All You Need To Know About Executive CV Writing Services

All You Need To Know About Executive CV Writing Services

You're already a top-caliber C-suite executive. Why do you still need to use an executive CV writing service? How it can make a difference in your career? These are the questions many people in your position ask themselves. And with the market offering professionally written resumes anywhere from $99 to $4,000, it can be difficult to choose a service that can truly add value. If you're thinking of giving executive CV writing series a try, it's important to be vigilant. Steer clear of mediocre resume writing companies and go straight to a certified and experienced executive resume writer.

Think of prospective executive resume writers as 'applicants' that you must carefully screen. Look beyond that writer's price. Dig deeper into their experience, qualifications, and success rates. Here are some of the factors to consider when vetting a potential executive CV writing company:

  • Certifications - The best writers and firms have advanced certifications from respected organizations like the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches. The most common thing about them is that they specialize in certain areas and can help executives in specific industries.

  • Process - Executive resume writers should spend much time interviewing and getting to know their clients. Their job is to help you find your edge-that factor that makes you different from the competition. Their goal is to help you reach multiple career goals such as increasing your compensation package or up-leveling your title. Aside from this, they also provide tips and strategies for job searches and resume distribution.

  • Package inclusions - Some resume writing companies don't stop at CVs. They also write cover letters, thank-you letters, biographies, and professional social media profiles. They offer a suite of services that can help you better market yourself to prospective companies.

Finally, have a look at their samples, which are usually posted on their website. Look beyond the visual aspect and focus on the construction of the content.